Now you're probably wondering about the event itself. Well, our wedding day was wonderful. But what else could you expect? Started quite early, and we got stuck in some nerve-wracking traffic, but that's about as far negative as you get. Our sealing was so special- my dad even cried. :) We had so many friends and some wonderful family to share the day with. We even got a little Seattle sprinkling when we first got out of the temple (wouldn't be home without it, right?). Our photographer was awesome (see below), the luncheon was delectable and perfect, it didn't rain on our reception... I could go on forever.
I am so grateful for everyone who came, who helped, who were by our sides throughout the process. My heart bursts with happiness knowing how many wonderful people I know and get to be friends and family with! What a blessing to get started with such an abundance of love and support and example.

I'm sure I am still quite blissfully new to all of this and things will change a bit, but I am excited to keep learning and doing everything I can to keep life and love vibrant. Already I have seen so much more beauty and variety in Kyle than I ever knew before. Marriage is such a blessing. The temple is amazing. There is definitely a power in our relationship now that was not there before. That is why I have all the faith, hope, and optimism in the world.
(Thanks to Angie Penrose for our beautiful photos! When we get the rest, you'll see them. Don't even worry.)
yay! That day was awesome!